The Administrator

Leadership and Management


Leadership is the capacity to craft a powerful vision of a organization's (or a division's) future direction and to inspire others to promote this vision. Effective leaders have a strong sense of purpose; they understand the Why of what they're doing. They're also able to communicate this sense of purpose to others.

Managers give the leader's vision the legs that it needs - they're in charge of implementing it. They keep the support team aligned, provide adequate resources and ensure that these resources - human, financial and technical - are used effectively.

The neat division between leadership and management is usually artificial. Most roles require both hats, switched as the occasion demands, and thus call for both leadership and managerial skills. Which skills do you need to hone? Where do you need to grow?


Goals: Do you need to clarify the goals of your division or team? Are you struggling to communicate these goals in a compelling way?


Strategy: Do you struggle to analyze the complex challenges you face and to develop clear approaches to overcoming them?


Your Team/Your Reports: Do you need to build a more responsive and cohesive team? Are you looking for better ways to communicate expectations, give feedback, foster accountability, and empower team members to take greater responsibility?


Collaboration: Do you need to improve your relationship with senior leadership? Do you find it challenging to working with faculty or other administrators?


Workflow: How well are you managing your workflow? Would you like to learn better techniques of goalsetting, prioritizing, planning, structuring your time and boosting your productivity?


Get in touch with me for a free consultation.

There is integrity and clarity in Stefan’s approach. Without being intrusive, he kept me on task and moving forward. Together, we uncovered a pathway that led to an extremely positive professional transition that I reached more quickly and surely for having worked with him. Aligning purpose and direction is never easy, especially with senior administrators (like me) who think they already know everything, but Stefan, with his incisive questions and high-resolution listening, helped me to see a wider horizon.
— Associate Dean, university in the Northwest